Bulletin: February 2017
Data Protection Act (DPA) – Legal Requirements
Following a query from a GHR practitioner, we thought it timely to advise Registrants in regard to their possible need to register under the Data Protection Act (DPA). We have provided this advice in the past but it does no harm to again bring this to our Registrants’ attention.
Whilst it is widely known that individuals who hold ‘personal data’ by electronic means (e.g. computerised records) must register under the DPA, it is less well known that the same applies to manual records (e.g. paper records in a filing system).
Under the Act, ‘personal data’ is defined by reference to whether the information relates to an identified or identifiable individual and the Act applies to the processing of such personal data:
either where such processing is wholly or partly by automatic means,
or is processed otherwise than by automatic means and which forms part of, or is intended to form part of, a ‘relevant filing system’ (i.e. manual information in a filing system).
The DPA is actually a complicated piece of legislation and Registrants may wish to review the section “Determining what information is ‘data’ for the purposes of the DPA” at https://ico.org.uk/media/for-organisations/documents/1609/what_is_data_for_the_purposes_of_the_dpa.pdf
Whereas we feel it likely that most of our Registrants will be legally obliged to register under the DPA, you may first wish to visit https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/register/ to determine whether or not it does apply in your case. (N.B. Although the link refers to ‘organisations’, it also includes ‘sole traders’ – i.e. the vast majority of our registered practitioners. It also includes a further ‘Register now’ link enabling you to register should you decide to do so).
If you are obliged to register, the good news is that the annual fee (unlike most statutory fees) has remained at just £35 for many years and is a tax deductible business expense.
However, the bad news is that failure to register when you should have done so is a criminal offence and can, upon conviction, result in a criminal record together with a fine plus prosecution costs and also potentially reputational damage from the associated publicity.
In summary, we strongly advise you to read the material available at the above links and if you decide that you meet the requirements for registration under the DPA, then do so at your very earliest convenience.
Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) Events
We have been requested by the RSM to advise Registrants of the following two events that they will be hosting and which may prove of interest:
‘Words; a double edge sword: therapeutic communication’
Monday 13 March 2017, 1.30pm to 6.00pm, 1 Wimpole Street LONDON W1G 0AE
Communication is central to all social and professional interaction and is often the focus of discontent from users of the NHS. Effective communication is the bedrock of any therapeutic intervention.
As professionals, we need to know how our words might influence and enhance a patient’s experience and the outcome of our interventions. When using hypnosis adjunctively with treatment, we need to be aware of our clients’ levels of understanding, especially children, to develop effective communication, and overcome possible language barriers.
This event is suitable for all engaged in health care, dealing face to face with patients/clients and their families. Specifically, all professionals who wish to use hypnosis adjunctively in their practice with children and young people and adults whose first language is not English.
Aims and objectives
Understand the importance of the choice of words and phrases.
Understand how language can influence others experience.
Prepare scripts for hypnosis that are appropriate for children and young adults.
Understand how to work effectively with translators.
To view the full event programme please visit: www.rsm.ac.uk/events/HYH02
‘Public outreach meeting: the patient’s perspective’
Monday 8 May 2017, 4.00pm to 8.00pm, 1 Wimpole Street LONDON W1G 0AE
Hypnosis is a powerful clinical tool which empowers patients to overcome often scary invasive medical procedures, challenging treatments or simply alleviate their fear and anxiety. Unfortunately, hypnosis is still underutilised in clinical practice. In this meeting, patients who have used hypnosis in their medical or surgical treatment will share their experience.
The public outreach meeting will throw light over the clinical use of hypnosis both from patient and practitioner’s perspective. Patients’ accounts will be supported by their medical practitioner’s comments on the individual clinical case and presenting complaints.
Aims and objectives
To introduce a variety of clinical narratives where Hypnosis has been included in the treatment regime or setting.
To learn from patients about their experience of the hypnotic component and the degree to which it affected their experience of their treatment and outcome.
To rationalise the effects reported and speculate how and why hypnosis might have influenced (enhanced) outcomes or (positive) experience.
The event is open to all healthcare professionals and the general public.
To view the full event programme please visit: www.rsm.ac.uk/events/HYH03
The GHR Administration Team
Views expressed within GHR published material and any conclusions reached are those of the authors and not necessarily shared by other individuals, organisations or agencies
©General Hypnotherapy Register