
Bulletin: December 2020

17th December 2020

Government Guidance that came into effect on 2nd December 2020



The Government has stated that it cannot provide comments on individual cases of whether or not a business is permitted to open. It is for each business to assess whether they are a business required to close having considered the Regulations and guidance on business closures. See:

However, if you scroll down to Personal Care facilities and close contact services under 1. Businesses subject to restrictions, it states ‘Personal care facilities and close contact services are permitted to remain open across all tiers.

Bearing in mind that the example businesses listed are all classified as ‘close contact’, whereas hypnotherapy is not so classified because client and therapist can maintain greater social distancing, it would appear that hypnotherapists may also continue to offer their services always provided that full Covid-secure safety procedures are carried out. See:

Close contact services – Working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19) – Guidance – GOV.UK (



Due to Scotland’s separate tier system from England, different rules apply. See:

Coronavirus (COVID-19): retail sector guidance – (





Northern Ireland

Scroll down to: Business – Work and services carried out in private homes.


Republic of Ireland

See: Public health measures for COVID-19 (


N.B. As the various tiers and varying requirements within the UK’s four nations during the virus crisis are constantly changing, we are all on shifting sand and so you are strongly advised to regularly monitor the relevant Government websites in order to keep abreast of the current rules in your respective region.


IMPORTANT:  As we cannot advise on insurance matters, if you have not already done so we recommend that you contact your insurance provider to determine whether your policy remains valid for working during this period.




The Administration Team


Views expressed within the above material and any conclusions reached are those of the author

and not necessarily shared by the GHR or the GHSC

©General Hypnotherapy Register
