
Bulletin: June 2016

14th June 2016

Use of NHSTA Logo – Investigation by NHS Identity Team

We have been advised by a GHR practitioner that he has recently been contacted in regard to the use of the NHS Trusts Association (NHSTA) logo on his website. As a long time registrant within the NHSTA’s ‘NHS Directory of Complementary and Alternative Practitioners’, he understood that he was fully entitled to display this logo. However, despite the NHSTA (and its Directory) being perceived as apparently connected to the NHS in some official capacity, this is not the case and he has now been told by the NHS Identity Team that displaying this logo and claiming to be in the no longer existent Directory is misleading and could be an infringement of the NHS trademark. They are consequently demanding that his website either me immediately modified or taken down.


Whereas the GHR cannot offer legal advice in respect of the above, we nonetheless feel that practitioners who may either be using the NHSTA logo or claiming that they are ‘members of’ or ‘registered within’ the NHSTA Directory on their websites should be aware of this situation and consider what action to take in the matter.


N.B. The NHSTA itself has this disclaimer statement on its (now defunct) website at

“The NHSTA is not a part of the Department of Health or the NHS. It is an independent association of NHS Trusts and accordingly any views expressed by the NHSTA do not represent the views of the Department of Health, the NHS or any other organisation.”




International Hypnosis Convention – London Venue Announced

We have been requested to post the following item and sincerely hope that you will consider attending in order to ensure that this important event is supported by the profession as widely as possible:

4th International Hypnosis Convention: 28-30th October 2016 Hilton London, Canary Wharf


We are pleased to announce that Swiss based Hypnosekongress.NET is bringing its unique style of International Hypnosis Convention to London this October. This convention already has gained a solid reputation in Europe as being a truly open, inclusive and international affair. All hypnosis organisations, training schools and individual practitioners are welcome, with the emphasis being on sharing knowledge and enhancing the profession.


With so many top international and domestic speakers in attendance and with so many interesting and varied presentations on offer, all our guests have an unparalleled choice as to who they want to see. Guests are also invited to attend the traditional Gala dinner and presentation on the Saturday night.


Additionally, we will be offering a number of pre and post convention seminars and workshops (which can be booked through the main website) to take your learning even further still. This really does promise to be a truly amazing event.


For more information click the link below and take advantage of the early bird prices.

(N.B. The website is continually being updated with more information).



We look forward to seeing you


Nick Ebdon & Hansruedi Wipf



Call for Research Volunteers

We have been asked to circulate the following request for volunteers for a research study being undertaken by GHR practitioner, Trish Smith:


“Dear Colleagues


I am keen to talk to any life or executive coaches who are also trained in hypnosis.


I am undertaking research for my MSc in Coaching Psychology and want to talk to dual practitioners about their use of language in coaching sessions. The research will be interview based and for the most part, conducted via Skype or telephone. This would take approximately 45 minutes of your time.


If you would be willing to take part in my research, please email me at your earliest convenience and I will send more details by return. I would love to discuss the project with anyone who is interested whether or not you go on to be part of the study.


Please let me know if you are interested by emailing me at my university address:


If you include your phone number, I will call you with further details.


I really appreciate your help and I look forward to some interesting conversations!


Trish Smith

Life Coach and Hypnotherapist”




The GHR Administration Team

Views expressed within GHR published material and any conclusions reached are those of the authors and not necessarily shared by other individuals, organisations or agencies
©General Hypnotherapy Register
