
MSc Degree Announcement: March 2015

31st March 2015

Dear Colleague


Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen –

MSc in Professional Studies (Clinical Hypnotherapy) Announced

GHR practitioner, Prof. Ursula James, who has been significantly involved in the development of this landmark academic programme for the hypnotherapy profession, has obtained permission for us to publicise this exciting development. We consequently take great pleasure in reproducing the below announcement and sincerely hope that practitioners who are able to meet the entry requirements will seriously consider undertaking these studies. Masters level qualifications in hypnotherapy from such a well ranked University are exactly what our profession requires in order to consolidate its inevitable advance towards full acceptance as a serious and legitimate branch of healthcare in the UK.




MSc Professional Studies (Clinical Hypnotherapy)


Interested in developing your evidence base in Clinical Hypnotherapy? Our suite of Masters level CPD modules is aimed at those who have Clinical Hypnotherapy qualifications but want to gain academic recognition of this or those wishing to train as a Clinical Hypnotherapist.


You can undertake one, or all, of the modules as part of our Professional Studies Framework. This gives you the flexibility to:


• Undertake a module when it fits into your life

• Accumulate credits towards achieving an academic award


Module 1: Evidence-based Theory of Clinical Hypnotherapy – introduces the concept of evidence- based practice and the skills required to be able to evaluate the evidence.


Module 2: Anatomy and pathophysiology – a review of anatomy and pathophysiology for clinical hypnotherapy practice.


Module 3: Hypnotherapeutic Principles & Practice – designed to enable you to develop a critical understanding of key knowledge, principles and practice required in clinical hypnotherapy.*


Module 4: Hypnotherapeutic Application – enables you to demonstrate critical application and evaluation of key clinical hypnotherapy skills.*


Modules 1 and 2 are taught fully on-line using our virtual classrooms and directed study. This enables you to learn with and from each other.


You should have an honours degree or equivalent to apply.


Module fee – £600


For further information, contact Fiona Roberts at

or telephone 01224 263285 or go to


To apply, go to complete the application form and return to


*Students can apply for recognition of prior learning for these modules.




The GHR Administration Team

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